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Unit 1 - Welcome!

Book p.6-16


*Get to know your book.

*Learning words.

*Useful Instructions.

*Engage in short conversations by asking and answering simple questions

 about familiar topics, such as family and school.

*Become aware of ways to learn and remember new vocabulary.

*Writing - Capital letters.

*Review - Irregular plurals.


Unit 2 - Is It True

Book p.17-54


*Understand the general meaning and main idea of a text.

*Identify and extract information from an ad.

*Identify facts and opinions.

*Use the title and pictures to predict the content of a text.

*Understand the features of a book review and a webpage.

*Ask and answer questions about everyday activities.

*Express likes and dislikes about books.

*Comparing and Contrasting

*Making Connections


*Know how word order in English is organized and how it compares with Hebrew.

*Identify and describe characters in text.

*Review - be, have/has, Wh- words

*Present Simple - positive, negative and questions.

*a, an and the

Unit 3 - Stay Healthy

Book p.55-92


*Use headings to understand topics.

*Identify topic sentences to understand the main idea of a text.

*Identify facts and opinions.

*extract information from a graph.

*Clssifying and categorizing.

*Agree and disagree.

*Ask and answer questions about eating habits.

*Express likes and dislikes.

*Do a survey.

*Ask and answer questions to play a game.

*Follow instructions.

*Identify cognates.

*Understand the use of a/an, some and any in English and how it compares to Hebrew.

*Understand the setting of a story.

*Modals- should and must

* these / those

* Present Progressive- positive, negative and questions.

*Count and non-count nouns


*Connectors- and, but and because.


Unit 4 - Looking Back

Book p.93-132


*Use numbers and capital letters to get information.

*Understand a timeline and sequence of events in a text.

*Identify facts and opinions.

Identify and locate relevant information in a blog, a brochure, a timeline and a biography.


*Ask and answer questions about things you did in the past.

*Talk about your favorite place.

*Are aware of the differences between American and British terms.

*Identify and describe main characters, setting and plot in the text.

*Past Simple - be (was, were)

*Possessive 's

*Past Simple - regular and irregular verbs, positive, negative and questions.



Unit 5 - The World Around Us

Book p.133-170


*Identify and extract information from a map, a weather chart and a graph.

*Use the title and pictures to predict the content of an article.

*Locate specific information to check predictions.


*Ask and answer questions about future plans.

*Express feelings, likes and dislikes.

*Are aware that not all words and expressions can be translatd on a one-to-one correspondence.

*Identify and describe setting and plot in the text.

*Future- be going to - positive, negative and questions.

*Future- will - positive, negative and questions

*Adjectives: comparatives, superlatives.

*Object Pronouns.

*Reflexive Pronouns


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